Lessons on American Presidents.
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Martin Van Buren was the President of the United States, serving one in office. He was born on December 5, 1782 in Kinderhook, New York and died of heart in 1862. His father was a tavern keeper and farmer. Van Buren was the first president born as a of the U.S.A., as all previous presidents were born the American Revolution.

Van Buren studied law and New York politics at the age of 17. He faithfully fulfilled his official for a decade and a half. His skill at gathering support for his party earned him the “The Little Magician”. In 1821, he was to the United States Senate representing New York. President Andrew Jackson rewarded Van Buren’s by appointing him Secretary of State in 1829.

Van Buren’s to the Presidency continued in 1833 when he was appointed Andrew Jackson’s Vice President. Van Buren was President Jackson’s first to take over from him from 1837. He won the 1836 election. Van Buren devoted his Inaugural Address to how the American experiment and its prosperity was an to the rest of the world.

His Presidency was was dominated by the recession that followed the “Panic of 1837”. Hundreds of banks and businesses . Thousands lost their land. It was the depression to hit America in its short history. Many blamed him for it and nicknamed him "Martin Van Ruin". He was out of office in 1840 and was an unsuccessful for President as an independent in 1848. He died in 1862.

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